Images of Lithuanian Cross-carving. Adomas Varnas' Collection of Negatives



Vilnius, 2023, 592 p., Lithuanian. ISBN 978-609-478-071-4

Compiler: Skaidrė Urbonienė.


Product code: K230
ISBN 978-609-478-071-4


This collection of negatives by Adamas Varnas is an important source for the history and artistic development of cross-carving. It provides iconographic and empirical data for art studies, historical and ethnological research, monument restoration or reconstruction, and offers ideas for today's cross-carving tradition.

This publication is the first time that the entire collection of glass and celluloid negatives collected by the artist, which is currently preserved in the National Museum of Art of Lithuania and the M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, has been published.

Before entering the museum collections, the negatives were subjected to various tests of time and unsuitable conditions, and as a result, some of them have faded, lost their contrast, and developed various stains. The artist of the publication, leaving behind the patina of time, has cleaned up some of the stains, dirt and scratches, highlighting the contrast or faded details. However, some of the negatives have been permanently damaged and the image has not survived.

Today, the main collections of photographs and negatives accumulated during the interwar period are an important source for the study of the cross-cutting tradition of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century.

Dr. Skaidrė Urbonienė compiled and wrote the introduction for the album "Images of Lithuanian Cross-carving. Adomas Varnas' Collection of Negatives". Article authors: Skaidrė Urbonienė, Vitalija Jočytė, Monika Gineikienė, Žydrė Petrauskaitė. Artist: Vida Ona Kuraitė.

The publication of the book was funed by the Research Council of Lithuania and supported by the February 16th Fund.

Additional information

Weight 2,6 kg
Dimensions 22 × 33 × 4,5 cm


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