Irena Seliukaitė, Juozas Šorys. Laureates of the Jonas Basanavičius State Award (1992-2017)



Irena Seliukaitė, Juozas Šorys. Laureates of the Jonas Basanavičius State Award (1992-2017)


Vilnius, 2018. 464 p., Lithuanian, ISBN 978-609-478-012-7

Artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Editor: Nijolė Deveikienė.



Product code: K180 Tags: , ,
ISBN 978-609-478-012-7


The book presents the winners of the 1992-2017 Jonas Basanavičius State Prize. Thirty-seven persons have been awarded this award over the past twenty-six years, whose activities and lives have made a significant contribution to the strengthening of the state after the restoration of independence, the preservation of national identity, and the development of national culture. The laureates of the award are people of various professions: philologists, historians, geographers, musicologists, architects, physicists, economists, excellent experts in their fields, public figures, who have done beautiful and meaningful work in the field of ethnic culture. The first part of the book presents, in chronological order, the activities of the laureates of the Jonas Basanavičius State Award, for which the prize of the respective year was awarded. The second part of the book contains interviews with the laureates by Juozas Šorys.


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