Gediminas Petraitis' Collection of Diaspora Art



Gediminas Petraitis' Collection of Diaspora Art

The museum and the collector

Vilnius, 2014. The museum and the collector – 2, 296 p., Lithuanian, summaries in English, ISSN 2351-5287; ISBN 978-609-8039-51-1.

Compiler: Jolanta Bernotaitytė. Artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Editor: Nijolė Deveikienė



Product code: K140 Tags: ,
ISBN 978-609-8039-51-1


Gediminas Petraitis is a renowned collector of Lithuanian art, including books, paintings, old graphics, traditional folk sculptures, and artworks from the 19th to 20th centuries.
His collection of diaspora art consists of 200 pieces, primarily paintings and graphics. The core of the collection comprises works by pre-war renowned Lithuanian artists, as well as pieces by graduates of the Freiburg School of Arts and Crafts, created between 1945 and 1990. The collection effectively reflects the main shifts in Lithuanian professional art in the diaspora, while the lesser-known artists' works enrich the overall panorama of diaspora art.



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