Vytautas Plečkaitis. Jurgis Šaulys, signatory of the Act of Independence



Vytautas Plečkaitis. Jurgis Šaulys, signatory of the Act of Independence

From the archive of the National Museum of Lithuania

Vilnius, 2015. From the archive of the National Museum – 14, 288 p., Lithuanian., ISSN 1648-2859; ISBN 978-609-8039-74-0.

Artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Editor: Nijolė Deveikienė.


Product code: K149-2 Tags: , ,
ISBN 978-609-8039-74-0


This book about the signatory of the Act of Independence of February 16th, Dr. Jurgis Šaulys (1879–1948), is dedicated to everyone interested in the history of their nation and state. Jurgis Šaulys was a journalist, press worker, standing at the origins of the Lithuanian Democratic Party, the first diplomat of independent Lithuania – envoy to Germany, later to Italy, to the Holy See, Poland, and Switzerland. He was an active public figure, bibliophile, member of many cultural and scientific societies, and a member of the Masonic lodge "Lietuva." He was referred to by his contemporaries as erudite and a statesman.


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