Juozas Girnius. Pranas Dovydaitis



Juozas Girnius. Pranas Dovydaitis

From the archive of the National Museum of Lithuania

Vilnius, 2017. From the archive of the National Museum of Lithuania – 21, 688 p., Lithuanian, ISSN 1648-2859; ISBN 978-609-8039-97-9

Series artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Layout designer: Virgina Lapušauskienė.


Product code: K149-5 Tags: ,
ISBN 978-609-8039-97-9


The monograph "Pranas Dovydaitis" was published in 1975, during the harsh Soviet era, when there were no freedoms of enlightenment, when it seemed that the Soviet empire would reign forever, and it would not be possible to write about Dovydaitis without portraying him as a bourgeois nationalist, a dark cleric, a nurturer of various outdated ideas. The book was written for the emigration, but with the firm hope that it would also be read in Lithuania, that it would insert a beacon of light into the darkness of lies and misconceptions. At that time, its author could not even imagine that Lithuania would regain independence and that this monograph would be republished, celebrating the centenary of the restoration of Lithuania's independence.

Kęstutis K. Girnius

Additional information

Weight 1,5 kg
Dimensions 18 × 25 × 4,5 cm


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