Kazimieras Nainys. Chronicle of a Lifetime



Kazimieras Nainys. Chronicle of a Lifetime

From the archive of the National Museum of Lithuania

Vilnius, 2013. From the archive of the National Museum of Lithuania – 12, 192 p., Lithuanian ., ISSN 1648-2859; ISBN 978-609-8039-42-9.

Prepared for publication: Irena Mikuličienė. Artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Editor: Daiva Stakišaitienė.


Product code: K135 Tags: ,
ISBN 978-609-8039-42-9


The memoirs of Kazimieras Nainys, son of a farmer from Pašvitinys region, who grew up in Independent Lithuania and became involved in patriotic activities, are personal but reflect the crucial path of all patriotic Lithuanian intelligentsia layers from the adoption of the Act of Independence of Lithuania by the Council of Lithuania on February 16, 1918, to June 1941 when thousands of Lithuanians were deported to camps. It serves as a chrestomathy of the fate of Soviet-occupied Lithuania and its citizens.

Additional information

Weight 0,62 kg
Dimensions 18 × 25 × 2 cm


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