Ramutė Aleksandra Jasudytė



Ramutė Aleksandra Jasudytė


Vilnius, 2011. 248 p., Lithuanian, summaries in English, ISBN 978-609-8039-16-0.

Compiler: Lijana Šatavičiūtė-Natalevičienė. Artist: Artūras Prelgauskas. Editor: Saulė Kriaučiūnė.


Product code: K122 Tag:
ISBN 978-609-8039-16-0


Ramutė Aleksandra Jasudytė is one of the most prominent figures in Lithuanian textiles. Through her moderate and harmonious work, she enriched Lithuanian textiles with a poetic and spiritual portrayal of historical themes, imbued with a vibrant image of her homeland, in which she perceived the infinity of the cosmos. Her most significant works, the triptych "Struggle with the Crusaders" (1973–1978) and the cycle "Lithuania" (1979–1986), remain unparalleled in Lithuanian textiles, captivating with their breathtaking scope and monumental power, offering a unique perspective on Lithuanian history. In the artist's oeuvre, the tradition of folk art merges with Christian iconography, giving birth to a new and distinct expression encompassing a primordial mythical worldview, archetypal symbols, as well as romantic and meaningful personifications of human values.


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