Numismatics 6, Yearbook from 2005



Yearbook "Numismatics"

Vilnius, 2007. 392 p., Lithuanian, English, Russian, summaries in English and Polish, ISSN 1392-8570.

Compiler: Dalia Grimalauskaitė. Artist: Arūnas Prelgauskas. Editor: Nijolė Deveikienė.


Product code: K082-1 Tag:
ISBN 1392-8570


This issue features numismatic articles from Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine discussing the first coins of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the influence of the monetary system of Galicia-Volhynia on the coins of Prince Konstantin Ostrogski of Podolia. It also includes numismatic and sigillographic findings from archaeological excavations in Vilnius Town Hall Square, Šiaurės Miestelis, Joniškis District, and Pavirčiuvė. The presentation of collections from Lithuanian museums continues, showcasing artifacts acquired in 2004-2005 and summarizing data from the past five years. The publication includes the Lithuanian numismatics bibliography for 2003 and discussions on numismatics, medallic art, phaleristics, and publications on banking history. The chronicle reviews numismatic events in Lithuania in 2005 and introduces the Baltic Numismatic Association.



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